Trauma Therapy

Trauma Therapy

Overcoming Trauma

Traumatic events aren’t a one-time occurrence. Most people replay them over and over again in their minds. The fear and shock stay as fresh as the day the event occurred. Unfortunately, it is one of the many things that can hold individuals and families back from living healthy, whole, and fulfilling lives. Learn in the guide below from therapist Ann Woodward Hines of Santa Cruz County how trauma affects children and adults, and how therapy can help.

Effects of Traumatic Events

Though a traumatic event may only last a few seconds or minutes, it can leave a lifelong impact. Some of the many symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Overwhelming fear
  • Digestive issues
  • Sweating
  • Hypervigilance
  • Dissociation
  • Avoidance behaviors
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Headaches
  • Nightmares
  • Withdrawal from family members and friends

Many people experience flashbacks that make them feel like they are right back in the moment.

Though traumatic events happen to people of all ages, they can often be more difficult to overcome for children. This is because the child may not fully remember the event or be able to contextualize it but still lives with the effects. Without understanding the event, they can be uncertain of why they feel like they do. And if the root isn’t uncovered, this can continue into adulthood.

The Role of Therapy

Therapy can have a positive impact on those who have lived through trauma – even those who can’t or prefer not to recall the event. It helps to identify unhealthy and harmful thoughts and behavior and make positive changes in those areas.

For those who can and choose to talk about it, therapy provides a safe, non-judgmental place to explore your reactions and the many feelings you might be dealing with.

Somatic awareness can also be very beneficial. We tend to store trauma in the body, which can lead to various symptoms and behaviors. Somatic awareness helps to identify triggers and release the trauma stored in the body.

Whether you, your children, or a family member is still living with the shock of a recent trauma or you're trying to overcome an event from the past, therapist Ann Woodward Hines of Santa Cruz County is here to help. She offers in-person sessions in Capitola, CA, and online throughout California. Call (831) 566-9416 to schedule an appointment today.

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